Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Insert Disk, Press Play, Drumroll, Cymbals, "Aahhhhhhh.." (experience God music)

Attention! Attention, please. I have an announcement. After months of deliberation and comparison, I bought a Nook. Yes, you may take a moment to gasp, regain your composure, assure yourself that you are not dreaming, and if you feel it necessary, give it up with finger applause.

I can feel your joy - even though I'm writing this before you ever finger-applaud. That's just how powerful the joy is!

But why is it that everyone who has heard this wondrous news says, (and you've got to hear this in a Dana Carvey as Ross Perot voice) "What's that like? A Kindle?" Well, if you mean, is a Nook an eReader, then yes, it's like a Kindle. But it's called a Nook, and it is the birthchild of one of my most favorite couplings ever - Barnes & Noble. ("Ahhh......" There's that God music again.)

Okay, okay. I know you want to get the straight poop on the Nook. And as disgusting as that sounds - remember, I'm a middle school teacher, so I'm accustomed to disgusting - I'm going to give it to you...


Nook is super-fun. I hesitated getting one because I thought I would miss the tangibleness of page turning, the sounds of paper gently rustling, the paper cuts and dusty edges.

Nope. Nada. Zip. Don't miss 'em at all!

I'm reading my first purchased book on it now, and I'm enjoying it just as much as I would a paper copy. I'm so happy that I could cry like Michael Landon playing Pa Ingalls when Half-Pint came down from the mountain where she "met" God. Now that scene had some God music!

I've assured my hubby that just because I have a Nook doesn't mean I won't stop buying regular books. He is SO relieved! Plus, he's thrilled that I can download a book to my Nook from anywhere and it gets instantly charged to the credit card. I mean, talk about convenience! Just think how much we're going to save on gas alone!

In closing, I would like to remind you that coveting is a sin. If you are looking for me this weekend, I'll be neglecting my responsibilities while camped out in the B&N Cafe, living on mochacinos and cookies, updating my Nook and getting a voucher for another free ebook.