Friday, June 12, 2009

The Giver

In the fall of 1994, I was a junior in college, and I was taking a Children's Literature course. It met on Monday nights for almost four hours, and I loved every minute of it! Usually I hated evening classes, but this one was great. Each class, our professor would open up an old suitcase and begin pulling out books written for children 14 years old and younger. She would tell us a little bit about each of them. She asked each of us what our favorite childhood book was. I recognized many of the titles shared, but didn't think anyone would have heard of mine. When I said "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" several others chuckled and agreed with me.

This professor also expected us to read two children's novels - an experience that forever changed me, obviously! :) The two books were both Newbery Medal Winners. I hadn't heard of either one: Bridge to Terabithia and The Giver. They knocked my socks off! To this day, The Giver, by the fantastic author Lois Lowry (you'll see much more about her on this site), ranks highest of all the surprises/shocks I have ever had while reading a novel. It shocked me so much that I went back to the beginning and started reading it over again!

Jonas is an 11-year-old boy who is anxious about the upcoming Ceremony of Twelve. He is to be assigned his role in the community, but he has no idea what that role could be. He doesn't want to be a Laborer or a Pilot, and he could never be a Birthmother. He knows that the Selection Committee always chooses the perfect job for you.

But when Jonas is passed over at the Ceremony of Twelve, everyone thinks something is wrong. When finally called on stage, it is said that Jonas is not going to be assigned. While this would normally bring great shame to himself, his family, and his community, Jonas hears that he has been selected - selected for a position that holds the highest honor in the community. Little does Jonas know, but the position also holds the most pain.

Now, I'm purposefully not telling you more about the book. I don't want to give much away. But suffice it to say this book is going to surprise you. You'll be reading along, lah-dee-dah, and then WHAMMO!!! No socks. Oh, and spoiler alert: you're going to hate the ending. I love this book, but I hate the ending. You'll see why when you read it - and when you do, let me know what you thought of it. (Hey, why do I always have to be the giver? Ha!)


Anonymous said...

I just finished reading. This book was very well written, but I must say that it will not go on my list as being a favorite for obvious reasons. I think Lois Lowry in many ways described how life is today with so many people reading her books not having realized that at all. Sad. Many times while reading this I felt uncomfortable and wondered towards the end if it should have been classified as a children's book. How many children have read this,though, who did not feel as uncomfortable as I? Again, a sad statement of the life we lead.
