Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Tale of Despereaux

It was never a question for me as to which book would be my first shared on Anovelanche! If ever you are buried in the frozen tundra, a few pages read of The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo is enough to melt the polar icecaps! It is my favorite book of all time - one of those.."you had me at 'Hello'" books - except in this case I was hooked at the end of the first chapter when the Narrator addresses the Reader. It literally took my breath away.

The Tale of Despereaux...."..being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread." These words complete the title page of this enchanting story. It is the story of an unlikely hero, a tiny mouse with large ears, who is imprisoned for acting un-mousely and for falling in love with a princess. But he brings the light of a story to a jailer in the dark, and he discovers the plan of a vengeful rat and a dimwitted servant girl.

This tale is told in four sections: the story of Despereaux, the story of Roscuro the rat, the story of a girl named Miggery Sow, and finally how their lives intertwine and bring about the good of all. It is a story of love lost and love found, a story of good vs. evil, and a story of how truth and understanding bring light where darkness once was.

Whether you are looking for a hearty laugh, a good cry, a damsel to rescue, a hero to root for, or a villian to despise, this book is for you! All the chapters are brief, making it the perfect read-before-bed book. I can't wait until my boys are just a little bit older and I can share this book with them!

I'm sure many of you have read this book already and love it as I do. I can't imagine anyone NOT loving it! It was justly awarded the 2004 Newbery Medal - I knew it would as soon as I read it. Now that the book has been released as a movie, I am torn.

Are you like me? When I read the book first, I usually end up being frustrated with the movie, and if I see the movie first, then the book seems wrong. When I read, I create my own sort of movie - what I often refer to simply as "the movie in my mind." Usually, my movie is much better than what I see in the theater. And so, I have not seen the movie of The Tale of Despereaux. I guess I have too much respect for the book.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I always told my students to read the book first, then see the movie. After taking my advice, they too would feel the movie was an injustice. It always clarified for them that a good book is always worth the time to read.

- Mrs. VanTol

Mrs. Miller said...

I wholeheartedly agree! And what a marvelous way to spend time! :) Thanks for your comment!